Culture and sightseeing
The main attraction of the Baltic seaside resort Binz is its great variety of well-kept houses designed in the style that is known as Bäder architecture. The imposing pier offers fantastic views of the Prorer Wiek (the bay where Binz is situated) and the Baltic Sea. Other attractions are the Kurhaus and the Kurpark. In the nearby Granitz, the Schwarzer See (black lake) and the Granitz Hunting Lodge are two of the highlights that can be discovered during a walk. A wonderful experience for young and old is the Park der Sinne (park of senses) on the edge of the Schmachter See. Dedicated sunset watchers will love this lake as well… [read more] While Cape Arkona, the chalk cliffs and the classicistic buildings of Putbus are long-time favourites, the Störtebeker Festival in Ralswiek has become a modern attraction on Rügen and enjoys increasing popularity.
For those interested in history, the Binz-Museum, the Dorfkirche (village church) and the Catholic Church Stella Maris are highly recommended. The former Nazi resort “Kraft durch Freude” (“strength through joy”) which was never completed, but whose structure is still one of the longest building complexes in the world, can be found in Prora, now a district of Binz and approximately five kilometres away from the centre